"Use Hemp! (Nutz Hanf!)" Campaign on the topic about hemp seeds
There are plenty of different stances when it comes to hemp. We were keen to avoid all of them in our project. We wanted to focus on the facts. And we wanted to use these facts to set things in motion. We love to talk facts and what better way to do it than in a language we speak fluently. Video link

Publisher: Hanfbar Braunschweig - hanfbar
Screenplay & Text: Enrico Lummitsch
Design & Illustration: Marina Kanzian
Animation & Composition: Enrico Lummitsch
Voice: My Dung Nguyen known from the freemii.de Podcast - a better life without sugar. Subscribe podcast here: Spotify
Screenplay & Text: Enrico Lummitsch
Design & Illustration: Marina Kanzian
Animation & Composition: Enrico Lummitsch
Voice: My Dung Nguyen known from the freemii.de Podcast - a better life without sugar. Subscribe podcast here: Spotify